Halloween has just passed and I have to say overall I had a great time. I mean, halloween is so much fun. You get to dress up however you want, participate in fun activities, go to parties, trick or treat and eat loads of candy. Sounds like a great time, right? It is a great time but there are things I have to worry about that people might not know. Ever since I can remember, my halloween consists of trick or treating but knowing I can never eat the candy that’s in my bag. Going to parties and knowing, I can’t eat any of the goodies there. Excited to participate in fun school activities but then realizing I can’t be included because they usually involve some sort of food. And even if I can participate, the reward or prize for winning is usually candy and it’s always candy I can’t have. The reason for this is because I have a life threatening allergy to dairy. If I eat or come in contact with any food that has dairy in it or has touched dairy, I will go into anaphylaxis and will need to go to the hospital. Anaphylaxis can be fatal. As I get older, it sometimes becomes more difficult and frustrating to deal with my allergy and so I really want to know, when did food become the center of all fun things? Like birthday parties, they are so much fun except the part where we have pizza and cake, two foods I can’t have. When I was little, I couldn’t wait to be handed that goody bag only to find out that it was filled with candy. My little self was always disappointed.
Holidays. I truly love the holidays. So fun, spending time with friends and family. Lots of traditions and themed activities. All things I love! Once halloween comes along, I feel like it’s a day after day, month after month journey of FOOD. The only way I can describe it to people who don’t have a life threatening food allergy is this. Imagine watching that movie. You know that type of movie I’m talking about? The psychological thrillers that keep you at the edge of your seat. You totally love it, you are convinced you have figured out how it’s going to end and then…. PLOT TWIST. That’s my life in a nutshell. Being excited for a party, having loads of fun and then surprise, the pizza and ice cream have arrived. Ugh, plot twist. Then the questions come. Why aren’t you eating? Are you ok? Don’t you like anything here? Aren’t you hungry? Should I get something else for you? Oh you have a dairy allergy? I understand, I’m lactose intolerant too. Don’t worry, these cupcakes are gluten free. I just want to say, I’m ok, I’m fine. No, I’m not hungry because I ate before I came. No you can’t get anything special for me because even your best intentions are not safe for me. I am not lactose intolerant. I have an allergy to milk and it’s a medical condition. And it’s so great that the cupcakes are gluten free but I am not allergic to gluten. I have to say it in the politest way I can because I truly appreciate how much my friends and family care about me. I would never want to come across as rude or ungrateful especially to people who care about me and love me. I come from an Italian family who love food and show their love by cooking and baking for others. And I love food too! It just has to be dairy free. It has to be made with clean hands and safe utensils, in a sanitized kitchen where there is no dairy at all and no risk for cross contact with dairy. I know that’s a lot to ask and I would never expect it from anyone so I guess for now, I continue to carry my own food along, have loads of fun, enjoy being with my friends and family and live my best life until maybe one day, food is no longer the center of all fun things.